MadMike77 hat dies geteilt.
A classic bug for a leap day: At work, colleagues discovered and fixed a bug in a lesser used tool that only occurs on February 29th. It did trip up the tests, so no one got to merge until it got identified and resolved.
The source file in question hadn't been touched in over 4 years. Last leap year, the 29th was on a Saturday, so likely no one noticed.
What was annoying is that the logic had been clearly written with the intent of handling leap years. A leap year check condition was present, validated only on a February > 28th, but had to get inverted.
You may wonder why we wouldn't have used the languages' standard library date functions to validate the date - unfortunately the language in question doesn't have such a sophisticated standard library (language omitted to protect the innocent).
Best #37C3 quote so far:
[...] to observe the international compressor holiday [...]
Context: Newag's train "DRM"
I like CSS-animations, clocks and dials for making metrics easier to digest (we are quicker at detecting angular changes than reading and parsing digits). So I'm in awe with this creative use of a watch-dial to visualize a 32-bit hexadecimal number:
The letters below were discovered in September 1993 in a reverse time-capsule apparently sent from 2023.
The first of those emails dates from this morning. Note the author of the RFC and the publication date.
GitHub - Nessex/yaml2json-rs: Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON.
Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON. - GitHub - Nessex/yaml2json-rs: Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON.GitHub
prompt injection, which is a form of cyberattack that exploits [an AI's] natural language processing abilities.
Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first”
Last week, Microsoft announced the new AI-powered Bing: a search interface that incorporates a language model powered chatbot that can run searches for you and summarize the results, plus do …simonwillison.net
RT @Esquiring - Sufficiently advanced data recovery is indistinguishable from dark cybernetic ritual:
Duff's device (ca. 1984)
register n = (count + 7) / 8; /* count > 0 assumed */switch (count % 8)
case 0: do { *to = *from++;
case 7: *to = *from++;
case 6: *to = *from++;
case 5: *to = *from++;
case 4: *to = *from++;
case 3: *to = *from++;
case 2: *to = *from++;
case 1: *to = *from++;
} while (--n > 0);
elrido mag das.
Seien wir froh, müssen wir uns nur mit den modernen Datums- & Zeit-Problemen herumschlagen. Hier hat jemand eine ähnliche Liste mit Ausnahmen in alt-römischen Kalender-Problemen zusammengetragen:
Bobcat in a box 32
Nach mehreren Monaten erreicht mich wieder einmal einer dieser aufklappbaren Plastik-Ständer aus China.
Bobcat in a box 31
Nach langer Reise erreichte mich ein Mondstein aus China. Der polierte Stein hat eine recht niedrige Qualität. Nur wenn man ihn gegen das Licht hält, kann man im Innern einige perlmuttartig schimmernde Einschlüsse erkennen, die einen Mondstein auszeichnen. Dafür ist der Brocken recht gross.
Bobcat in a box 27
Aus Hong Kong erreicht mich ein Elefanten-Anhänger mit abgebrochenem Rüssel. Die Briefmarke ziert ein Schachwürger ("long-tailed shrike", Lanius schach schach).
Bobcat in a box 26
Aus China erreichen mich Mini-Discokugeln! Ist etwas zu viel Bling für meinen Geschmack.
Bobcat in a box 25
Heute gibt es "Drogen"!Aus Thailand erhielt ich "Korean Panax Ginseng Extract PLUS VITAMINS AND MINERALS".
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag • •