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Unfortunately I wasn't in the habit of taking screenshots on Win 3.11 or 95 back in the 90s, also because on the Win 3.11 family PC I was only allowed to store files on a single 3.5" floppy disk and images in BMP format were very large, even when storing them with run lenght encoding.

The below is probably one of my earliest screenshots, which attempts to show off my Windows 2000 "Matrix" skin using an Outlook XP new mail window. Nowadays we'd call that dark mode. Given the applications, it would have been 2002 or 2003. I really disliked Windows XP and kept using Windows 2000 for gaming, until some later C&C edition didn't run on it anymore, even after manually copying the XP-versions of the libraries it needed into the game folder.

German speakers might "get" the lame attempt at a joke in the mail when peeking at the "From" field of the mail - yes, back then even professional mail-providers ran mail servers with open-relay configurations or only validated the senders login, but not the from-address.

Winter 2015 am Altbach (Dietlikon, Schweiz)

Group picture from the first day.

Took a lot of notes, my highlights so far were:

  • Massimilianos' RP2040-based, Rust-driven robot racer
  • options to improve handling of bitfields in packed structs
  • typestate pattern for use in state machines, think objects that mutate into different types as the states progress, so only methods relevant to the current state are available and enforced at compile time, ex. rustls::ConfigBuilder
  • Milica shared her teams' experience switching from C++ to Rust
  • Simon Brummers' text-2-morse-code character device driver, an excellent example project to get started with Rust-based Linux-kernel-module development

Sinclair ZX81 back porch video signal fix, designed by Ziggurat Communications Ltd.:

Next week a new hire starts in our team. To help them find their way in our environment, we created this map. Let's hope it wont scare them away. :-D

Coole Graphik, in der von Euch verlinkten Quelle:

Oh, wow: Nachdem ich von den beiden Druckwellen des Vulkanausbruches in der Nähe von Tonga hörte, habe ich in den Messungen von meiner kleinen Wetterstation nachgeguckt und die sind dort klar zu erkennen!

Not entirely serious question: Why does the Gnome Terminal icon represent an IBM PC DOS prompt instead of UNIX shell prompt? Is that what folks think of first, when they think of a command prompt?

Image/Photo looks more like

Image/Photo as opposed to

Ah, "Rhythmisches Maschinenschreiben" von Karl Lang?

Dinge die Programmierer meinen über die Welt zu Wissen:

"Hausnummern sind immer ganze Zahlen!"
Ein Schild mit der Hausnummer "Savoyen Straße 2 1/2".
Fun (x) Programmieren (x)