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friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪meeting‬ of all boards @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: projects.piratenpartei.ch/issu…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

#minutes of the general assembly of @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the boardmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the boardmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

Der RC1 des OpenPositionspapiers wurde veröffentlicht. Helft mit und reviewt das Papier! Meinungen sind herzlich willkommen: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the boardmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (12 Jahre her)

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the chairmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…

friendica (DFRN) - Link zum Originalbeitrag

minutes‬ of the ‪managementmeeting‬ @ppsit @ppsfr @ppsde where published. Here is the abstract: forum.piratenpartei.ch/index.p…