GitHub - Nessex/yaml2json-rs: Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON.
Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON. - GitHub - Nessex/yaml2json-rs: Command line utility (+libraries) to convert YAML to JSON.GitHub
Schade das zu erfahren und vielen Dank an Herrn Dornier für die jahrzehnte-lange gute Betreuung und die ausgezeichneten Produkte!
Habe beruflich und privat seit Ende der 2000er Jahre immer wieder auf PC Engines für m0n0wall- und später OPNsense-basierte Router gesetzt. Diese Nachricht wurde über eine apu4d4 ins Internet geschickt und von einem Server hinter einer apu2e4 gehostet.
My team at LzLabs GmbH in Wallisellen, Switzerland, is looking for a 4th DevOps Engineer. You'd be working primarily with a CloudBees (Jenkins) cluster of around 90 blades for build & testing, for several software stacks that targets RHEL, but hopefully soon™ also other platforms. And of course there are also a lot of build and deployment related projects to be spice things up on the side, like maintaining and developing a test statistics database, code coverage reporting, change log and other automation projects, all in a mostly ansible-ized environment. The companies main language is English, living in or moving to the vicinity of Zürich would certainly be advantageous.
#followerpower #Stellenangebote #jobs #jeRecrute
DevOps Engineer
As one of our DevOps engineers you will join a team who lead the way for our CI/CD environment. The ideal engineer will bring experience, best practices, and a collaborative attitude to help drive Linux based CI/CD
Zwei Fundstücke: Eine rückblickend prophetische New Media Satire von vor 10 Jahren und aktuelle Beobachtungen aus der Techie-Szene, geschrieben im Stil eines von William Gibsons Cyberpunk-Romanen.
The first thing I remember about the internet was the noise. That screeching howl of static blips signifying that you were, at last, online. I first heard it in the summer of ’93. We were huddled around my friend’s brand new Macintosh, palms sweaty, one of us on lookout for his mom, the others transfixed as our Webcrawler search bore fruit. An image came chugging down, inch by inch. You could hear the modem wince as it loaded, and like a hammer banging out raw pixels from the darkness beyond the screen, a grainy, low-res jpeg came into view. It was a woman and a horse.
Zu verkaufen...
Meine Firma verkauft derzeit einiges an Büromaterial und Server-Zubehör. Vielleicht ist auch etwas für Dich dabei?
in reply to elrido • •