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16 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know

✏️ https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/10-rare-html-tags-you-really-should-know--net-3908a

#html #webdev #unknown #htmltags #rare #youshouldknow #modernweb

MadMike77 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf KubikPixel™

Nice, I learned something from this.

Here is one more underused tag that I'm fond of, but isn't on that particular list: The Description List

I like to use them for any kind of key-value lists and forms - IMHO they are easier than using a two column table, also easier to do the CSS styling.

Als Antwort auf KubikPixel™

Pretty solid list, thanks. Although I sure hope label isn’t considered rare.
Als Antwort auf Gur814

@Gur814 I wouldn't be surprised if most web devs just used divs instead 🙄
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

Christopher M0YNG
div ? Yeah. These people should not be considered professionals IMHO.